Previously known as Libdemchild

Thursday 27 December 2012

Is Christmas about Rampant Capitalism or Baby Jesus?

When you first think of Christmas what pops into your head? Is it Father Christmas, presents, a Christmas tree or food? All of these things  involve spending excessive amounts of money. This isn't the real message of Christmas, in fact if the three wise men hadn't come bearing gifts for baby Jesus Christmas wouldn't be about consumerism and  corporations wouldn't make a business out of the birth of a religious figure.

I saw an example today of how Christmas has been ruled by  rampant capitalism and consumerism. I was in Covent Garden, with my parents, when a man who was selling 'The Big Issue' approached us and told us how nobody was paying attention to him and instead they were shoving past him to get to the sales. I could not understand how people can rush by a homeless man to spend hundreds of pounds and not even spend  a second or spare £3 to help him. What have we become?

Shoppers have spent £2.9bn in one day and Selfridges gained £1.5 million in one hour alone and police had to be called in to reign back the crowds in Oxford St. I am not saying that you should immediately stop spending  money and give it all to charity but I think that we need to the rethink message of Christmas and if you are an atheist or you don't celebrate Christmas try to remember that this is the season of goodwill towards those less fortunate than you.

Capitalism doesn't bother me but rampant capitalism does. By this I mean that people are worshipping shops whilst the number of food banks are increasing and there is evermore  need for donations. Rampant capitalism has created a culture where charity is out ruled by consumerism and the poor are blamed for their misfortune and the rich are praised and supported. 

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